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Training with Industry (TWI)


The Ordnance Corps started the Army's training with industry (TWI) program in the 1970s, and continues to embed more service members in participating industrial partners than any other branch in the U.S. Army. The program identifies elite industrial companies that have developed and perfected practices that cannot be taught within existing Army formations. TWI participants gain critical on-the-job experience and skills in industrial practices and procedures not available through other military or civilian programs.

Embedded service members spend twelve months within the participating industry organizations to both learn and share best maintenance practices. Each participant then carries out a two year utilization tour within various Army organizations to pass on lessons learned from their experiences and shape future Army operations, capabilities, doctrine and training. The TWI program is a unique broadening opportunity and provides dividends to the Ordnance Corps by incorporating the latest industry standards and best practices into each of the TWI participant's utilization tour. Each applicant must meet pre-requisites and be awarded the position after a selection board examines personnel records and potential for future assignment.

The Ordnance Corps currently occupies 12 of the 63 positions available throughout the Army, which is the highest number of TWI positions for any branch. An initiative within the Ordnance Corps is to maintain the current amount of TWI positions so that the Ordnance Corps may have the opportunity to participate in a variety of TWI Programs that includes all cohorts: officers, warrant officers (WO) and NCOs.


Contact Information

Warrant Officer TWI Manager

Enlisted Personnel TWI Managers