Explosive Ordnance Disposal

EOD is responsible for detecting, identifying, evaluating, rendering safe, exploiting, and disposing of explosive ordnance. This mission is conducted worldwide and at times of peace and war.
The EOD Badge AKA "The Crab"
The Shield
Represents the EOD Mission to protect against explosive ordnance

Lightning Bolts
Symbolize the destructive power of the bomb and the courage displayed by EOD Soldiers
The Wreath
Symbolic of the knowledge and achievements of EOD Soldiers. Also serves in memory of those who have given their lives in the performance of EOD duties
The Red Bomb
Designed after the World War II bomb disposal badge. The three fins represent conventional, biological/chemical, and nuclear threats

EOD Basic Badge
Awarded upon completion of Phase II: Naval School - Explosive Ordnance Disposal (NAVSCOLEOD) and becomes permanent after 18-months of satisfactory service in an authorized EOD position.

EOD Senior Badge
After having been awarded the basic badge, the senior badge is earned after 36 cumulative months in authorized EOD positions and completion of appropriate schooling or certification.

EOD master Badge
After having been awarded the basic badge, the master badge is awarded after 96 cumulative months in authorized EOD positions and completion of appropriate schooling or certification.
EOD Structure
EOD Team
- The smallest EOD unit
- Comprised of 3 Soldiers
- May operate independently from their higher headquarters
EOD Team Leader
E6 Staff Sergeant (SSG)
Overall responsible for the team and specially trained/certified to manage EOD incidents.
Senior EOD Team Member
E5 Sergeant (SGT)
Responsible for the team when the Team Leader is unavailable. Maintains communication with supported organization.
Junior EOD Team Member
E1 Private (PVT) - E5 Sergeant (SGT)
Supports the Team Leader by assembling EOD tools, providing security, driving the robot.
EOD Platoon
- Comprised of 3 EOD Teams
- Smallest deployable unit in EOD
- May deploy separate from their higher headquarters
EOD Platoon Leader
O2 First Lieutenant (1LT)
Directly responsible for their Platoon. Primarily focused on the planning, preparing, and administration of the to meet their commander’s intent and support their Enlisted Soldiers.
EOD Platoon Sergeant
E7 Sergeant First Class (SFC)
Senior Enlisted Soldier in the platoon responsible for the execution of platoon training and operations. Supports the Commander and Platoon Leader by taking care of Soldiers.
EOD Company
- Comprised of 3 EOD Platoons and an operations section
- May deploy separate from their higher headquarters
- Provide subordinate platoons: command, control, and basic sustainment support
EOD Company Commander
O3 Captain (CPT)
Overall responsible for the all aspects of the Company. Primarily focused on the planning, preparing, and administration of the to meet their mission requirements and support their Enlisted Soldiers.
EOD First Sergeant
E8 First Sergeant (1SG)
Senior Enlisted Soldier in the company responsible for the execution of company training and operations. Supports the Commander by taking care of Soldiers.
EOD Battalion
- Comprised of a Headquarters and 3-5 EOD Companies
- May deploy separate from their higher headquarters
- Provide command, control, and sustainment support to EOD Companies and intelligence and EOD integration to supported organizations
EOD Battalion Commander
O5 Lieutenant Colonel (LTC)
Overall responsible for the all aspects of the battalion. Primarily focused on the planning, preparing, and administration of the to meet their mission requirements and support their Enlisted Soldiers.
EOD Sergeant Major
E9 Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
Senior Enlisted Soldier in the battalion responsible for the execution of training and operations. Supports the Commander by taking care of Soldiers.
EOD Group
- Brigade equivalent
- Comprised of a Headquarters and 3-5 EOD Battalions
- May deploy separate from their higher headquarters
- Provide command, control, and sustainment support to EOD Companies and intelligence and EOD integration to supported commanders
EOD Group Commander
O6 Colonel (COL)
Overall responsible for the all aspects of the battalion. Primarily focused on the planning, preparing, and administration of the to meet their mission requirements and support their Enlisted Soldiers.
EOD Command Sergeant Major
E9 Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
Senior Enlisted Soldier in the group responsible for the execution of training and operations. Supports the Commander by taking care of Soldiers.