Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Enlist EOD

- GM Score greater than 105
- Medical profile (PUHLES) of 111121
- Eligible for a SECRET security clearance
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Possess a valid U.S. driver's license
- Normal color vision
- Normal Hearing
- Not previously relieved from EOD training
- Correctable vision to 20/40
- Volunteer for EOD
Re-Enlist EOD (MOS-T)

- GM Score greater than 105
- Medical profile (PUHLES) of 111121
- Eligible for a SECRET security clearance
- E3-E5 (non-promotable)
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Possess a valid U.S. driver's license
- Normal color vision
- Normal Hearing
- Not previously relieved from EOD training
- Correctable vision to 20/40
- Volunteer for EOD
Send to your recruiter or retention officer
Soldier Record Brief (SRB)
Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) Scorecard
Complete your Packet
Security Clearance Verification Memo
Waiver Request Document (if required)
OfficeoftheEODCommandant@army.milBecome an EOD Officer

- Medical profile (PUHLES) of 111121
- Eligible for a SECRET security clearance
- USMA, ROTC, or OCS Cadet
- Be a U.S. Citizen
- Possess a valid U.S. driver's license
- Normal color vision
- Normal Hearing
- Not previously relieved from EOD training
- Correctable vision to 20/40
- Volunteer for EOD

OCS Cadets
Contact your OCS Company Commander upon arrival to request an EOD Interview
- Must complete EOD HireVue in accordance with Branching Timeline
- Fill-out EOD Interview (DA 7759) and upload with HireVue documents

Engineer and Chemical Branch Detail
Cadets may be awarded Engineer or Chemical basic branches with branch detail EOD. Individuals awarded this option will attend their basic branch's BOLC (EN or CM) then go through the EOD school pipeline. Upon graduation they will serve in an EOD Officer role until returning to their basic branch for their Captain's Career Course.
OfficeoftheEODCommandant@army.milEOD SCHOOL

Looking for a challenge?
EOD school is both hands-on and academically challenging. Training is designed to prepare our future leaders to conduct explosive operations under the most adverse conditions.
Enlisted Training Pipeline
Officer Training Pipeline
Basic Training
10 Weeks | Multiple Locations
Ordnance Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)
16 Weeks | Fort Gregg-Adams, VA
Engineer Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)
19 Weeks | Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Chemical Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC)
16 Weeks | Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Enlisted & Officer Training Pipeline
EOD Phase 1
7 Weeks | Fort Gregg-Adams, VA
This segment of EOD training begins with the bomb suit test, designed to assess your physical and cognitive abilities while maneuvering in an 85-pound suit. Candidates will then go on to receive instruction on subjects such as ordnance identification and explosive tools and techniques. Army Officers and Enlisted candidates will train side by side throughout the duration of the course.

Module A
EOD Phase 1 Bomb Suit Suitability, Introduction and Terminology 25 Hours
- Bomb Suit Assessment
- Intro to EOD Specialist Course
- EOD/ Ordnance History
- EOD Terminology
- General EOD Safety
- Explosives and Explosives Effects
- MOD A Exam 1
- Ordnance Color Codes and Markings
- Munitions Arming and Firing Forces
- MOD A Exam 2
Module B
Demolition and .50 Caliber Dearmer 56 Hours
- Basic electronics
- Intro to Demolition Materials
- Prepare a Detonating Cord Firing System
- Prepare Modern Demolition Initiator Firing System
- Prepare Non-Electric Firing System (Practical)
- Prepare Electric Firing System (Practical)
- Demolition Exam (written)
- MK 2 Mod 1 50 cal Dearmer (Practical)
Module C
Identification of Munitions 60 Hours
- Identify:
- Grenades
- Projected Munitions
- Dropped Munitions
- Placed Munitions
- Ordnance ID Practical Exercises
- Ordnance ID Exam (Practical)
Module D
EOD Publications and Reconnaissance Operations 80 Hours
- Publications
- Publications Exam (Written)
- Reconnaissance
- Reconnaissance Exam (Practical/Written)
Module E
Tools, Robotics, and EOD Challenge 57 Hours
- Render Safe Procedure Tools Familiarization
- EOD Robotic Operations
- EOD Challenge Skills
- EST-2000
- EOD Challenge Practical Exercises
EOD Phase 2
26 Weeks | Eglin AFB, Fl
Students are immersed in a Joint training environment during this phase, training side by side with Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps candidates.

Demolition Division
Explosive effects, safety, theory, and live demolition.
Tools and Methods Division (TMD)
EOD tools, dearmers, and techniques.
Core Division
Basic EOD skillsets.
Ground Ordnance Division
- Grenades
- Projectiles
- Landmines
Air Ordnance Division
- Aircraft Explosive Hazards
- Bombs
- Guided Missiles
- Dispensers and Payloads
IEDs Division
Improvised Explosive Devices
Chemical/Biological Division
Radiological and Nuclear Ordnance Division
First Assignment

EOD Platoon Leaders Course
1 Week | Eglin AFB, Fl
Upon graduating EOD Phase 2, Officers will attend a one-week Platoon Leaders Course to prepare them for their first assignment.