Dr. George C. Hale

Dr. George C. HaleDoctor George C. Hale was born on September 29, 1891. He received his doctorate from the University of Indiana, and after instructing at the University from 1915 to 1917, he began his career in chemistry at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, as Chief of the Chemical Branch in 1929.

As the chief chemist, Dr. Hale played an important part in the research and development work dealing with military explosives after World War I. He held patents on high explosives, propellants, fuze powders, and pyrotechnic compositions. He also worked on substitutes for strategic and critical materials used in ammunition and improved processes for explosives.

The results of Dr. Hale's work were applied on a large scale in World War II. An example of this was EDNA (ethylenedinitramine), the first entirely United States developed high explosive . EDNA was more powerful than TNT, and it was less sensitive.

Doctor Hale died on November 4, 1948 while serving as chief chemist.