Major General John J. Hayes was
born on April 24, 1914. He distinguished himself and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps by his leadership and expertise
in various logistical disciplines.
His influence was particularly felt in the chemical and biological fields, where he displayed exceptional skill and detailed knowledge in the management of critical Army programs. One example of a vitally significant and major contribution by General Hayes was the completion of Operation Red Hat.
During Operation Red Hat, he was responsible for the planning and execution of the movement of more than 10,000 tons of toxic chemical munitions from Okinawa to Johnston Island. This operation ranks as one of the most extraordinary and successful logistical operations accomplished by the Department of Defense.
General Hayes epitomized the high traditions of the military profession and exemplified the best in achievement and perceptive management in research and development, procurement and production, and supply distribution and maintenance. General Hayes retired in 1972.