U. S. Army Retired Major
General Erwin M. Graham, Jr's career covered the spectrum of ordnance service, field service, industrial, research
and development, and procurement.
His contributions in each of these areas have left an indelible mark of success. Under his leadership, the Army achieved outstanding success in providing all types of munitions, including bombs, rockets, and explosives for all U.S. Forces in the Southeast Asia area in a timely manner at a very critical time. In addition, as a result of his direct involvement, the Army initiated, and is now successfully executing, the most extensive ammunition production base modernization program since the start of World War II.
General Graham was responsible for the development of new ammunition support doctrine for use in the field army and established a worldwide ammunition reporting system which provides better visibility of ammunition stock status. He was also responsible for the development and evaluation of logistics concepts, doctrine, organizations, systems, materiel concepts, and requirements, and logistical planning factors for the army in the field.
General Graham designed a new approach to the methods and structure of combat service support for US Army Combat elements in the field. He was instrumental in having the US Army institute an aerial support link between US depots and oversea elements to enhance the supply of repair parts for field commanders. This procedure is operational at this time, with significant improvements to the entire logistics system and to the materiel readiness posture of the Army. Major General Graham's long and distinguished ordnance service and his many achievements and contributions to the US Army and to the Nation mark him as an outstanding leader.