Lieutenant General
Jean E. Engler

Lieutenant General Jean E. EnglerLieutenant General Jean E. Engler was born in Baltimore, Maryland on August 3, 1909 and graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1933.

During World War II, he directed the design, development, and testing of the military general purpose tire, and as project manager was responsible for the development and production of synthetic rubber tires.

After World War II, as the Chief, Maintenance and Supply Division in Tokyo, he planned and organized the collection and rebuild of all materiel from the Pacific Theatre. While assigned to the Chief of Industrial Office Branch, Office Chief of Ordnance, he planned the Tank and Automotive Production Program for supporting the Korean Conflict.

In 1952, he was appointed Chief of the Industrial Division, Ordnance Tank and Automotive Command. In this position, he originated the “Controlled Accelerated Cycle”, that is, the development-to-production cycle for complex major end-items. Additionally, he established the optimum balance between stocks on hand and production capability through his mobilization planning concept.

As Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army, Vietnam, he established four major ports and base complexes which resulted in a fully responsive logistics system that met the need of the combat and support soldiers.

As the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics from 1967 to 1969, he implemented four significant policy actions. First, he established a user-oriented supply system with direct contact to units in the field; second, he modernized the logistics Automatic Data Processing system on a worldwide basis; third, he standardized ammunition supply management; and finally, he established the depot maintenance closed loop support system.

His military career was one of a continuous effort to provide the best materiel to combat and support forces at the lowest cost. General Engler retired in 1967.