George B. Jarrett

Colonel George B. JarrettColonel George B. Jarrett was born in Haddonfield, New Jersey on October 14, 1901 and was called to duty as a Reserve Officer in 1939.

Colonel Jarrett's assignments included the U.S. Army Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), Chief Foreign Material Branch, APG, and Technical Advisor to the Zurnig Mission in the European Theatre of Operations. He assisted the British in North Africa by orienting them to U.S. equipment. He also collected enemy equipment for allied use.

In November 1945, he returned to APG where he became Museum Officer and Chief, Foreign Materiel Branch. In 1946, he was separated from active duty and accepted a position as a Department of the Army Civilian. He then became Curator of the Ordnance Museum and Chief of the APG Technical Library. Colonel Jarrett remained in this position until his retirement in 1966.

After his retirement, he joined the Ordnance Center of Technology Foundation, an organization previously established by persons interested in preserving the Ordnance Museum collections and constructing a new building for the Ordnance Museum. Colonel Jarrett later became President of the Foundation and officiated at the transfer of the new Ordnance Museum Building to the Department of the Army. Colonel Jarrett died in 1974.