Major General
Arthur Holmes Jr.

Major General Arthur Holmes Jr.Major General Arthur Holmes, Jr. was born in Decatur, Alabama, on May 12,1931. Among his many other assignments, he twice served as a Maintenance Battalion Commander, the second in Vietnam. He is a graduate of the Naval War College and was a member of the Guidance and Procedures Branch of the Logistics Directorate for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

He also served as Chief of Ordnance Branch of the Officer Personnel Direc­torate at the U.S Army Military Personnel Center before becoming Command­er of the Division Support Command for the First Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Fort Riley, Kansas. He subsequently served as Assistant Division Commander-Support for the same unit, the first Combat Service Support officer to fill such a position. From 1977 until 1979, he again broke new ground while becoming the first combat service support officer to serve as Executive Officer to the Secretary of the Army. He then completed a tour as Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command before returning to the Washington area in 1980 as Director of Readiness for the U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command. He then received successive assignments as Deputy Inspector General for Inspection and Compliance and Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff of Logistics.

His final post was that of Commanding General, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, where he oversaw the delivery of 30,000 tactical vehicles to the field with the highest level of user satisfaction yet realized. General Holmes retired in 1987 after 37 years of distinguished service.