Lieutenant General
Fred Hissong Jr.

Lieutenant General Fred Hissong Jr.Lieutenant General Fred Hissong, Jr. was born in Benton Ridge, Ohio on September 22, 1931. He received a Bachelor of Science from Ohio State University in 1955 and a Master of Business Administration from Babson Institute of Business in 1969. Throughout his career, he was a highly influential force in the many successes achieved by the Army to upgrade combat readiness, modernize equipment, and improve ammunition production.

As Project Manager for the 1.75-ton commercial truck system, he was responsible for the planning, coordination, procurement, and worldwide deployment of more than 43,000 new M880 trucks and the phasing out of the 31,000 M37 vehicles. Later, as Project Manager of the M113 Armored Personnel System, he managed the procurement, maintenance, fielding, and logistical support of 18 models of the M113/M113A1 family of vehicles.

As Commander of the Armament, Munitions, and Chemical Command, he was the driving force in some major initiatives, such as the Howitzer Improvement program and the Howitzer Extended Life Program; and selection and procurement of the M24 sniper rifle, the M9 bayonet, and the M17 and M25 protective masks. In 1987, he became Deputy Commanding General of Materiel Readiness for the Army Materiel Command.

His major accomplishments during this assignment were: the initiation of the first phase of the objective supply system, which has developed into the objective supply capability that will modernize the supply and maintenance system; Phase I of the Computer Aided Logistics Project; new initiatives on contracting accountability; and the improvement of overall financial management. General Hissong retired in 1990.