Mr. William J. Jarrett was born in
Marvel, Arkansas on August 2, 1924 and received his undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the
University of Hartford and an MBA from Western New England College. He began his federal career in 1951 as a
mechanical engineer technician at Springfield Armory, and retired 44 years later at Watervliet Arsenal as a GM-14
Supervisory General Engineer.
His entire professional life, including a brief (1968-1971) period in private industry as Manager of Applied Research and Testing for Colt Firearms, was spent at Springfield and Watervliet Arsenals in the development of light and heavy ordnance. He holds two patents, one for a noise-reducer attachment for the muzzle end of a firearm, and the other a cartridge in which the propellant was retained in place by a frangible plastic material designed to provide a shaped charge effect against the rear of the projectile. Mr. Jarrett transferred the legal right to both patents to the nation more than 35 years ago.
His more than 30 years experience in the development and engineering of military weapons culminated in his appointment as Chief of the Engineering Division, Product Assurance Directorate, at Watervliet Arsenal and as Manager of Career Programs for engineers and scientists at Benet Laboratories, a division of Watervliet Arsenal. During his career, he earned at least 15 performance or special accomplishment awards. Retired since 1995, Mr. Jarrett is now a resident of Longmeadow, Massachusetts.