Born on July
18, 1931, in Hudson, Ohio, Carlton Weidenthal graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1953 and was
commissioned in the Artillery. After completing his Artillery detail with the 456th Field Artillery Battalion,
82nd Airborne Division, he served first as the Post Ordnance Officer at Fort Greeley, Alaska, and then as an
instructor at the Ordnance Center and School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
Weidenthal earned his Master's Degree in Business Administration from Babson Institute, Wellesley, Massachusetts, in 1963; and subsequently joined the newly activated 173rd Airborne Brigade on Okinawa as Brigade Maintenance Officer. He deployed with the Brigade to Vietnam from 1965 to 1966 as the Brigade S-4. From 1967 to 1969, he served as Colonels' Assignment Officer, Office of Personnel Operations, where he managed assignments and professional development for 290 Ordnance colonels and lieutenant colonels.
From 1969 to 1970, Weidenthal commanded the 782nd Maintenance Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where he undertook initiatives to implement the All-Volunteer Army. In 1971 to 1972, he served as Executive Officer of the Division's Support Command. He returned to Vietnam in 1972 to serve as senior advisor to the Chief of Ordnance, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). During this assignment, he played a key role in establishing the ARVN depot-maintenance system and regained visibility and accountability of repair parts worth well over $3 million.
In 1973, Weidenthal rejoined the 82nd Airborne Division to command the Support Command, leading it through a major reorganization from the G- to H-series Tables of Organization and Equipment. In 1975, he took command of Miesau Army Depot in Germany, the largest ammunition depot outside the United States. Miesau received, issued, stored, and maintained 240,000 tons of ammunition; had an annual budget of $15 million; and employed more than 1200 personnel. In 1976, Weidenthal moved to Heidelberg, Germany, to serve as Special Assistant to the Commander in Chief, US Army Europe. In that position, he visited commanders and units throughout Europe seeking information and recommendations on how to improve logistics capabilities and readiness.
Weidenthal returned to the States in 1978 to serve as Deputy Commander, US Army Depot Systems Command (DESCOM), Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. At DESCOM, he actively directed the daily operations of more than 36,000 employees in 13 depots. He also led a complicated and politically sensitive study that consolidated all US Army Materiel Command operations in Europe under a newly created AMC-Europe Commander. In 1981, he returned to Germany as Deputy Chief of Staff, Support, at Headquarters Central Army Group (NATO). His plans and projections for maintenance sustainment, ammunition consumption, and resupply requirements materially improved NATO logistics readiness.
In 1983, Weidenthal became the Deputy Commanding General for Procurement and Readiness, US Army Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, Michigan; and then in 1984, the Deputy Commanding General for Research and Development, US Army Tank-Automotive Research and Development Center. The Secretaries of the Army and Air Force commended Weidenthal for his efforts in keeping the fielding of critical training simulators for the Ground Launched Cruise Missile program on schedule. Brigadier General Weidenthal retired in 1985 after 32 years of dedicated service. He died on February 26, 1993, at age 61 in Fallon, Nevada.