Mary G. Goodwin

Colonel Mary G. GoodwinCol. Mary G. Goodwin has distinguished herself throughout an exceptional military career spanning over 29 years. Goodwin began her career in the Army in 1975, by attending the Women's Army Corps Officer's Orientation Basic Course/Officer Candidate Course at Ft McClellan, AL, which she followed by attending the Ordnance Officer Basic Course, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD in 1976 to begin her outstanding contributions to the Ordnance Corps. Upon graduation, Goodwin completed the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) School and Tech Escort School which started her on the path to becoming a driving force and leading expert in the field of EOD.

In 1977, Goodwin began her initial unit assignment with the US Army Technical Escort Unit, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Goodwin transferred to Germany in 1979 and served as an operations officer and later as a Commander of the 20th EOD Detachment.

In 1981, Goodwin returned to the US at HQ USA Armament R&D in Dover, NJ. Goodwin transferred to Korea in 1984 to become the Division Ammunition Officer for 2nd Infantry Division. In 1986, Goodwin returned to the US to serve as Chief, EOD Division, Munitions Training Department, and Executive Officer, US Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School, Redstone Arsenal, AL. Goodwin would again transfer to Korea to become the Executive Officer, 6th Ordnance Battalion (Ammunition). In 1991, Goodwin returned from Korea and became an instructor at the US Army Command and General Staff College.

In 1993, after a successful tour as an instructor and Team Chief in the Department of Support and Resource Operations, Goodwin accepted command of the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, MO. In 1997, while a senior fellow in the Army War College fellowship program, Goodwin was handpicked to develop and execute a theater-level logistics plan to support theater and combined land component campaign plans and orders.

Goodwin took command of the 52nd OD GP in 1999. In July 2000, she returned to Ft Leavenworth to serve as the director for the Department of Logistics and Resource Operations in the Command and General Staff College. She became Chief of Staff for the college in April of 2003.

In spite of all of the competing demands within her career, COL Goodwin's foremost concern was always for the health and welfare for each of the Soldiers, students, staff and faculty she served with. Her concern and consideration for their needs resulted in mission accomplishment and high morale from the beginning of her career and during the global war on terrorism. COL Goodwin continues to serve the Army as an Assistant Professor at the US Army Command and General Staff College.