Aileen Tobin was born on 9 July 1949.
She began her 28-year affiliation with the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School in March of 1982 as an Educational
Specialist in the Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization. In March 1985, Tobin was promoted to Chief,
Internal Evaluation Branch, Evaluation Division, Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization. In April of 1988,
Tobin was promoted to Chief, Evaluation Division, Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization before taking the
helm of the Standardization and Analysis Division in that same Directorate in November of 1988. In April 1993,
Tobin was promoted to Director of Quality Assurance, before assuming duties as the Director, Tactical Support
Equipment Department in July of 1994. Tobin directed the establishment of the department at Aberdeen Proving
Ground and the construction of a new training facility, Rozier Hall, dedicated in September 1997.
In 1998, Tobin was promoted to Director, Command Plans and Operations. She led the Multicapable Maintainer initiative which entailed collapsing the skills, knowledge, and abilities associated with hull and turret maintenance tasks associated with the M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank into a systems maintainer for each platform. As the program manager, Tobin personally managed and coordinated all of the DOTMLPF aspects associated with making systems maintainers a reality. After the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, Dr Tobin established, resourced and operated an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that operated 24 hours per day, seven days per week. This EOC became the coordination point through which all taskings, data calls and Requests for Information entered and left the Ordnance Center and Schools. During her tenure, the Department of the Army established the Strategic Readiness System (SRS) to provide a more holistic and accurate picture of Army readiness ranging from Army Headquarters down through the lowest echelon of command. Tobin personally managed the development of the Ordnance Center and Schools' Balanced Scorecard, the Strategy Map, Objectives, and reporting metrics to make the system an effective tool for the performance management of the organization.
Beginning in May 2005, Tobin served as Deputy to the Commander, US Army Ordnance Mechanical Maintenance School and the 61st Ordnance Brigade. Her positive attitude, dedication, and extraordinary leadership were instrumental in helping the Brigade maintain its reputation for excellence despite the expansion of its mission in support of the Global War on Terror and relocation to Fort Gregg-Adams, VA as a part of the Base Closure and Realignment Commission decision. Even though saddled with an ever-increasing civilian employee attrition rate and a severe military manning strength reduction, Tobin persevered by rallying team members and employing innovative solutions which resulted in exceeding TRADOC standards in every area. Through her attention to detail and keen oversight, she led the Brigade's effort to achieve the Training and Doctrine Command's (TRADOC) first ever "Institute of Excellence" rating during the 2009 TRADOC Accreditation inspection.
Aileen Tobin retired after 28 years of service to the Ordnance community on 3 September 2010.