Command Sergeant Major
Anthony T. Aubain  

Command Sergeant Major Anthony T. AubainCSM Anthony T. Aubain was born in 1959 and grew up in the Virgin Islands. He joined the Army in 1976 and completed Basic Training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Initially, he served as a Special Operations Soldier until 1995 when he switched to the Ordnance Branch in pursuit of leadership opportunities.

Following his conversion, he served with the 782nd Main Support Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division and the 203rd Forward Support Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Georgia. Next, he served with the 101st Corps Support Group at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. His follow-on tour took him to Germany to the 3rd Corps Support Command.

CSM Aubain became the 8th Ordnance Corps Regimental Command Sergeant Major in December 2003. In addition to advising the Chief of Ordnance on the health and welfare of the Non-Commissioned and Enlisted Ordnance Soldiers, he instituted the Operation Iraqi Freedom Tactical Lessons Learned in Non-Commissioned Officer Academies and developed and implemented the first Warrior Training Center in U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), for which he was commended by the TRADOC Commanding General, Sergeant Major of the Army, and the 35th Chief of Staff of the Army.

As the Command Sergeant Major for the Combined Arms Support Command at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia, he was the Non-Commissioned Officer-in-Charge for 3 consecutive Army level competitions for the Department of the Army Soldier of the Year and Noncommissioned Officer of the Year (Best Warrior) as the first NCO to lead and run the Department level competition at Fort Gregg-Adams.

As the Command Sergeant Major to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4 Headquarters, Department of the Army and advisor to the Sergeant Major of the Army, he ensured the effective integration and coordination of Army policy, plans, and decisions across the Title 10 responsibility of the Army. He led the effort to ensure the Army G-4 continued to function at the highest level of proficiency during a critical time of leadership transition and the restructuring within the Army G-4.

Command Sergeant Major Anthony T. Aubain retired on September 30, 2011.