CW4 Karl Saul was born in Remscheid, Germany on August 21st, 1941. He received his primary education and technical training as a Machinist in the German school system. After graduation, he immigrated to the United States. Once he received his ‘green card’, he became eligible for the draft and subsequently was drafted in the Army on February 21st, 1961. Following duty at the U.S. Army Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, he received a direct appointment as a Warrant Officer 1, Allied Trades Technician in 1967.
In 1981, CW4 Saul returned to the Ordnance School as Chief of Warrant Officer Training in the Directorate of Training and Doctrine. In this position, he took the lead in developing and implementing the new Warrant Officer Candidate Course. Due to his efforts, the Ordnance Corps began training Warrant Officer Candidates in 1982, six months after Brigadier General Jackson Rozier Jr., Commandant of the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School, approved the plan.
Two years later, CW4 Saul represented the Ordnance Corps in the Army’s ‘Total Warrant Officer Study’ as a subject matter expert on warrant officer training. His ideas profoundly influenced the future training and education of warrant officers as the Army Chief of Staff approved the TWOS recommendation to make pre-appointment candidate training mandatory for all Army warrant officers.
CW4 Saul culminated his 27-year career with his assignment to the Ordnance School in 1986 as the Chief of the Warrant Officer Proponent section in the Office of the Chief of Ordnance. He trained and mentored the Ordnance Corps warrant officer cadre at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Redstone Arsenal, and Army units around the world.