Chief Warrant Officer Five Ralph Williams III was born on March 5th, 1958 at Warren, Ohio. He entered the Army in 1976 as a Tank Turret Mechanic. He attended Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. During his tenure as an enlisted soldier, he progressed to the rank of Sergeant First Class, prior to his appointment to Warrant Officer One in October 1986.
In 2003, while assigned to the 703rd Main Support Battalion, he deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom and organized a Logistical Release Point that supported the entire 3rd Infantry Division and a Brigade Combat Team from the 101st Airborne Division. As a result of his efforts, CW5 Williams supported more than 22,000 Soldiers with the distribution of over 6 million meals, 2.5 million gallons of water, and 300 short tons of repair parts.
Following an assignment with the Weapons/Metalworking Services Department at the Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, CW5 Williams culminated his Army career as Chief of the Warrant Officer Professional Development Division from 2008 to 2010, where he was responsible for the planning, directing, and execution of Professional Military Education for more than 1,500 Warrant Officers in the 913A, 914A, and 915A/E career management fields. During this time, he helped in the relocation of the Ordnance School from Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland to Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia into the new state of the art facility for the Ordnance School.