Chief Warrant Officer Five
Robert J. Fairhurst

CW5 FairhurstChief Warrant Officer Five Robert Fairhurst has distinguished himself through his twenty-three years in the ammunition warrant officer field. During this time he has served with the 15th Ordnance Battalion, the Southern European Task Force – U.S. Army Africa, the 82nd Airborne Division, and the U.S. Special Operations Command.

In July 2001, Chief Warrant Officer Five Fairhurst was assigned as the Career Manager and Personnel Action Officer, Warrant Officer Division, Army Human Resources Command. His exemplary dedication to high standards, initiative, managerial and technical skills, concern for the soldiers, and professional ability contributed immeasurably to the successful accomplishment of all assigned missions. He routinely set the example for all ammunition warrant officers in the field and provided solid guidance and advice on career progression.

In 2003, CW5 Fairhurst was assigned as the Munitions Staff Officer, Logistics Directorate, U.S. Central Command. He served as the subject matter expert on theater ground munitions in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.  He meticulously monitored the theater-wide distribution of theater ground ammunition and provided combat forces with a seamless supply of preferred munitions in a rapidly changing battlefield. 

In 2004, Chief Warrant Officer Five Fairhurst served as the Systems Acquisition Manager for Ammunition in the Program Executive Office-Special Programs, Center for Acquisitions and Logistics, United States Special Operations Command. He provided oversight on the development, acquisition, testing, and fielding of a multimillion dollar portfolio of weapons and ammunition in support of Special Operations Forces worldwide.

Chief Warrant Officer Five Fairhurst culminated his military career in 2008 with his assignment as a Senior Munitions Planner with the U.S. Central Command.