Chief Warrant Officer Five Kenneth E. Foster was born in August 1954 in Jacksonville, Florida and joined the Army in August 1971. He completed Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina as an Infantryman. During his first assignment with the 4th Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, as part of the Berlin Brigade, he cross trained as Track Vehicle Mechanic.
In 1983, CW5 Foster began his 31-year career as a Warrant Officer in the U.S. Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserves when he received a direct appointment as a Warrant Officer One in the 451st Field Depot, Indianapolis, Indiana as an Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer.
In 2006, CW5 Foster began his tenure as the Reserve Component Warrant Officer Proponency Manager for the U.S. Army Ordnance Center and School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. He served as the leading voice and proponent in all matters relating to Ordnance Reserve Component Warrant Officers. In addition to guiding the accession of Warrant Officers into the National Guard and Army Reserve, he oversaw the Army Regional Training Site – Maintenance (RTS-M) facilities to ensure they provided training according to U.S. Army Ordnance School curriculum and standards.
In 2011, CW5 Foster culminated his Army career as the Senior Maintenance Supervisor and Command Chief Warrant Officer for the 310th Expeditionary Sustainment Command based in Indianapolis, Indiana. He led sustainability issues during the unit’s 2011 deployment to Iraq during the drawdown. Upon return to the U.S., he led the task of managing four Sustainment Brigades with 103 sustainment units across 9 states.
Chief Warrant Officer Five Kenneth E. Foster retired in 2014.