Chief Warrant Officer Four William R. Haynes, Jr.

Chief Warrant Officer Four William R. Haynes, Jr.

Chief Warrant Officer Four William R. Haynes, Jr. was born on January 27, 1961 at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida and enlisted in the Army in February 1978. He completed Basic Combat Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky and remained there for Advanced Individual Training as a Track Vehicle Mechanic (MOS 63C). After eight years as a Soldier and a Non-Commissioned Officer, he completed Warrant Officer Entry and Warrant Officer Technical Certification Course to become an Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer (MOS 630A).

In 1991, CW4 Haynes volunteered for U.S. Army Airborne School and would serve the rest of his assignments at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In 1994, after two assignments with units of the 82nd Airborne Division, he was selected to serve with the Security Assistance Training Management Organization in Kuwait training Kuwait Land Forces personnel on maintenance on both foreign and U.S. combat platforms.

In 1996, CW4 Haynes returned to Fort Bragg to serve as the Brigade Maintenance Officer for the 35th Signal Battalion. During his tenure, not only did he serve as a technical expert in both the automotive and crew served weapons mission, he also implemented a Warrant Officer professional development program.

CW4 Haynes culminated his 18-year Warrant Officer care er as the Deputy Inspector General for Readiness and led a team of senior Non-Commissioned Officers across 12 different military occupational specialties to conduct readiness inspections of the brigades which were assuming mission posture for 18-hour no notice deployments as the Division Ready Brigade.

Chief Warrant Officer Four William R. Haynes retired in 2002.