Mrs. Kathy K. George-Reading

Mrs. Kathy K. George-ReadingMrs. Kathy K. George-Reading started her illustrious career with the Armament Munition Chemical Com-mand at Rock Island Arsenal in 1977. She continued to hold positions of increasing responsibility and scope culminating with her assignment as the Direc-tor of the Joint Munitions Command Logistics In-tegration Directorate.

Throughout her earlier career, she was responsible for many significant mile-stones within the ammunition mission. She authored the draft DoD policy that determined when ammo should be considered as hazardous waste. During this time she served as a technical advisor for DoD to the Federal EPA for Federal Facilities Compliance Act rule making efforts. Ultimately, her work provided savings of $20M through avoiding EPA permitting requirements.

Mrs. George-Reading also led JMC operations in support of Golden Cargo exer-cises. Golden Cargo is a national, functional exercise within the DoD that links Reserve and Guard Forces with real world ammunition logistics operations and training opportunities. Golden Cargo was the only training exercise where Re-serve and Guard Forces were able to handle live ammunition and gave Com-manders the opportunity to develop, plan and track real-time shipments of cargo and sustainment requirements in a real world environment.

Mrs. George-Reading culminated her career serving as the Director of the Logis-tics Integration Directorate within HQ, Joint Munitions Command. Her direc-torate's mission executed and managed the Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA) and the primary entry point for all ammunition logistics supply chain integration requirements.

Mrs. George-Reading's received numerous awards and recognition over her stored career the 2014 Award for Excellence in Ammunition Management, the 2002 John Byrd Award for Excellence in Demilitarization and numerous DA Civilian service medals.

Mrs. George-Reading retired in 2018.