Dr. Upton R. Shimp

Dr. Upton R. ShimpDr. Upton R. Shimp began his storied career as Quality Assurance Specialist Ammunition Sur-veillance (QASAS) in 1980 where he held numer-ous assignments both in CONUS and OCONUS locations.

While serving as the Chief, Missile and Muni-tions Division, 200th Theater Army Materiel Management Center (TAMMC), Dr. Shimp's managerial and leadership qual-ities led his division to unparalleled mission execution and success. During a period of significant drawdown of U.S. Forces in Europe, his demonstrated leadership, technical expertise and dedication to ammunition management, resulted in the early closure of 105 ammunition storage areas and the safe demilitarization of 145,000 short tons of ammunition. These two actions resulted in an estimated cost savings/avoidance of over $23M for the demili-tarization cost to operate 105 ammo storage areas.

While serving as Ammunition Manager, 200th Theater Ammunition Manage-ment Center in Zweibruecken Germany, Dr. Shimp was the driving force be-hind numerous theater munitions initiatives. He consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership, managerial skills, and devotion to duty. His superb performance of duty resulted in the safe and secure shipment of over 200K short tons of munitions in support of Operation Desert Storm and the retro-grade of over 100K short tons of munitions to the United States as part of the demilitarization program.

Dr. Shimp culminated his career as the Executive Director of the Defense Am-munition Center (DAC) and U.S. Army Technical Center for Explosives Safety. Under his leadership, DAC provided worldwide support to all ammunition and explosives operations and activities in the Army. During his tenure, he complet-ed several significant accomplishments. He was instrumental in the planning and execution of the relocation of DAC from Savanna Army Depot to McAlester Army Ammunition Plant, McAlester, Oklahoma. He also led the transformation of DAC into a TRADOC Learning Institution validated by full TRADOC Ac-creditation and He also instituted pre-deployment munitions and explosives safe-ty training for sustainment units deploying to the CENTCOM AOR.

Dr. Shimp's awards include the Superior Civilian Service Medal and the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal.

Dr. Shimp retired in 2019.