Master Sergeant Half-Mast McCanick

Master Sergeant Half-Mast McCanickMSG Half-Mast McCanick was the brainchild of one of the cartooning world's leading practitioners and proponents, Mr. Will Eisner who, first as a Soldier and then as a contractor, supported two Ordnance Corps' publications, Army Motors and, subsequently, PS: The Preventive Maintenance Monthly, the latter of which he wholly created. While he still answers letters, his role has expanded over the past 70 years to serve as the most recognizable "face" of Army maintenance readiness.

No other Ordnance alumnus has had the level of impact on sustainment readiness than MSG Half-Mast. Since the midst of the Korean War through Vietnam, the first Gulf War, Desert Shield and Storm, and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and even current operations in support of the Ukraine conflict, MSG Half-Mast has been a steady, guiding presence for Soldiers. This presence began first in printed monthly magazines, mailed to units around the globe and, subsequently--as of 2017 and 2019--when he went fully digital (delivered via an app) and fully online, respectively. His goal has always been to provide Soldiers-- as well as members of other services (particularly the Marines) --with the information they need to keep their vehicles and equipment always combat ready.

It's difficult to quantify the direct monetary impact MSG Half-Mast and PS Magazine have had, but it's safe to estimate that it's in the millions of dollars per year, measured in these ways: corrected maintenance procedures that left unattended would result in failure of parts and/or complete systems; updated procedures that speed the repair or supply processes, decreasing down time; updated NSN information that ensures proper and timely repair of vehicles and equipment; turn-in credit information; and corrosion prevention information that slows or mitigates the negative impact of corrosion on vehicle and equipment fleets. On top of this, MSG Half-Mast has always advocated for safety, using the magazine to spread information that helps to protect Soldiers from the inherent risks associated with operating and maintaining systems that have the potential to do significant harm. More recently, this emphasis on safety has included articles on mold remediation, Covid protection protocols and fentanyl avoidance.

MSG Half-Mast McCanick continues to serve the Army as the primary ambassador for Maintenance Readiness.