Talcott was born in Glastonbury, Connecticut on 6 December 1786, the son of a farmer. In 1813, he entered the Army
as a third lieutenant of infantry, and then within a matter of weeks, was promoted to the rank of second
lieutenant. He was initially stationed on the islands in New York Harbor. Talcott was transferred to Ordnance and
promoted to first lieutenant in August 1813, after a bit more than a month's service, and was offered a captaincy
in the 41st Infantry before that same month was out, an appointment he declined. He then, however, almost
immediately accepted an assignment as a deputy commissary and captain in the Ordnance Corps. He was placed in
command of the Arsenal in New York City and then spent some time in a similar capacity at the Arsenal in Albany,
New York. He reverted to the rank of first lieutenant in May 1814, and was retained on Ordnance duty after the
war. His next assignment took him to Massachusetts, and the new arsenal at Watertown was constructed under his
supervision. He was in command there for a period of time, and subsequently commanded Allegheny Arsenal near
Pittsburgh. Transferred to the 2nd Artillery in 1821, he evidently continued on ordnance duty. Talcott was awarded
a brevet majority in August 1823, for ten years of faithful service in one grade.
In February 1824, while Talcott was in command of the Ordnance Arsenal near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a convicted deserter escaped from the post stockade. Talcott had the man horsewhipped when he was recaptured, believing this action preferable to seeking a special order from higher headquarters suspending the prisoner's sentence for a period of time so that he might prepare for trial on the new charges. The prisoner escaped again but was not subsequently apprehended. Brought up on charges of having abused the prisoner, Talcott testified that he had ordered what he considered to be a justifiable whipping, and was adjudged not guilty of illegal and unmilitary conduct. Displeased with the manner in which the case had been handled, the Adjutant General directed that Talcott be retried. A new court martial confirmed the judgement of the 1823 panel, and the matter was dropped.
In September 1824, Talcott was appointed commanding officer of Watervliet Arsenal, a post he held until January 1832. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in May 1832, he was soon assigned to the reconstituted Ordnance Corps as Inspector of Arsenals and Armories, and that took up most of his time for the next seven years. In April 1839, Talcott was made Acting Chief of the Ordnance Bureau. In 1842, Colonel Talcott was appointed Assistant Chief of Ordnance, although he had already been performing most of the major administrative tasks for the department for three years. In his new post, he had effective day-to-day charge of all departmental activities. The expansion of Ordnance Department responsibilities which took place before and during the Mexican War, including the establishment of new ordnance depots and the elaboration of the department's field service operations, was largely accomplished under his direction.
On 25 March 1848, Talcott was promoted colonel and Chief of Ordnance following the death of Colonel Bomford. On 3 March 1849, Colonel Talcott was made a brevet brigadier general or his outstanding efforts in supporting the Army in Mexico, with date of ran k as from 30 May 1848. An elaborate study of European ordnance, made by Major Alfred Mordecai, probably the department's a blest scientific authority, was completed in 1849,and this resulted in the establishment of the first comprehensive and pragmatic field artillery system for the US Army.
In the summer of 1851, General Talcott was relieved of his duties and court-martialed at the direction of Secretary of War Conrad following a dispute with the Secretary over the awarding of ammunitions order to a Southern contractor. Secretary Conrad in office but a short time had chosen to review all procurement arrangements with civilian contractors. Although long standing departmental policy distinguished between open purchases and formal contracts, and General Talcott had been authorized to purchase ordnance materiel at h is discretion for more than a decade. Differences between Secretary Conrad and General Talcott over personnel assignments, and injudicious actions of a subordinate. Brevet Colonel Benjamin Huger, who had proceeded with the munitions contract without General Talcott's full knowledge or approval and problems growing out of the political difficulties confronting President Fillmore and his administration, all combined to bring about General Talcott's dismissal from his post and from the Army. In addition alleged Southern frustration because Talcott would not distr ibute more weapons and ammunition to Southern mil i tia units may have played a role. General Talcott was dismissed from his post and from the Army. Colonel Huger was never brought up on charges although he was admonished by President Fillmore.
While a good many of those familiar with the case felt that the facts did not warrant so severe a verdict and attested to General Talcott's demonstrated honesty and probi ty over his 8- year career, the sentence was not reversed. Subsequent efforts by several members of the U.S. Senate either to have that body officially inquire into the circumstances of General Talcott's case or to provide some financial relief for him in his retirement were to no avail, although the reasons for his relief from active duty were considered peculiar. General Talcott died more than ten years later on 25 April 1862, at the age of 75.