Chief of Ordnance and Commandant Ordnance School

Robin (Rob) Montgomery
Chief of Ordnance and Commandant Ordnance School
Colonel Robin (Rob) Montgomery graduated from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA and commissioned through its Army ROTC program. He holds a Master in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of Kansas, Lawrence KS, and served as a National Security Fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Belfer Center of Science and International Affairs in Cambridge, MA.
His tactical and operational assignments include service with the 501st Corps Support Group (Camp Red Cloud, Korea); 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) (Fort Liberty, NC); the 1st Cavalry Division (Fort Cavazos, TX); the 7th Infantry Division (Joint Base Lewis-McChord); the 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment (Fort Cavazos, TX); the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) (Fort Moore, GA); and 2d Infantry Division (Camp Humphreys, Korea).
Colonel Montgomery's strategic and joint assignments include service in the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Pentagon) (Washington, DC); service as the Operations Branch Chief and later Military Assistant to the J4 at Joint Force Command-Naples (NATO) (Naples, Italy); and recently as Chief of Strategy, Plans, and Policy for the Logistics and Engineering Directorate at the US Central Command (MacDill AFB, FL).
His command assignments include Brigade Commander, Division Sustainment Brigade (DSB), 2d Infantry Division; Battalion Commander, 6th Battalion, 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB); Squadron Commander, Regimental Support Squadron, 3d U.S. Cavalry Regiment (Stryker); Forward Support Troop Commander in support of 1st Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry Regiment; Forward Support Company Commander in support of 1st Battalion, 12th U.S. Cavalry Regiment; and Service Detachment Commander, 3d Battalion, 3d Special Forces Group (Airborne).
He has mulitple combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He participated in numerous operations and exercises, bilateral and multilateral engagements throughout the world. He planned, supported, and participated in several humanitarian aide and disaster relief missions both in the U.S. and abroad.
Colonel Montgomery's military education includes Quartermaster Basic Course, Infantry Captain's Career Course (ICCC), Combined Arms and Service Staff School (CAS3), Command and General Staff College, U.S. Army War College, the Security Force Assistance Training Academy, and Joint and Combined Warfighting School (JCWS).
Colonel Montgomery’s awards and decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (three oak leaf clusters), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (one oak leaf), Meritorious Service Medal (four oak leaf clusters), Army Commendation Medal, and Army Achievement Medal (one oak leaf), the Senior Parachutist Badge, the Pathfinder Badge, the Parachute Rigger Badge, the Combat Action Badge, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge. He is authorized the wear of the Botswana Defence Force Wings. He is the recipient of the Korean Order of National Security Merit (Samil Medal) awarded by the President of South Korea.
Colonel Montgomery is married and has one daughter.