Train, educate, and develop adaptive and professional Ordnance Soldiers to be technically and tactically proficient in Ammunition (89A and 89B) and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (89D/E).
- Coordinate with the Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) and the TRADOC Capability Manager - Explosive Ordnance Disposal (TCM-EOD) on training strategies and training development priorities
- Coordinate with other agencies on Ordnance courses attended by international students and other services (e.g., Inter-service Training Review Organization)
- Oversee the Faculty Development and Recognition Program, the Observation of Training Program, and civilian professional development programs
- Participate in accreditation programs (e.g., Council on Occupational Education, American Council on Education, and TRADOC Accreditation)
Munitions & EOD Training
Title of MOS
Tactical and Technical Exploitation
ASI-E8 Engineer Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent

Organizational Chart

Special Course Information
Below is the Special Course information for the Engineer Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent Course (E-EOCA) at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
- E-EOCA Welcome Letter
- E-EOCA Personal Data Sheet
- E-EOCA Course Administrative Pamphlet
- E-EOCA Finance Information for NGAR Soldiers
- The Army School System (TASS): Unit Pre-Execution Checklist
Below is the Special Course information for the Tactical and Technical Exploitation Course (TTEC) at Fort Walker, VA:
- Director
(804) 765-9735 - SGM
(804) 734-5516