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In August, reps from the EOD Proponency Office visited the 7th Regiment's Cadet Summer Training Branch Engagement at Fort Knox, KY. About 200 cadets visited the EOD table to seek additional info and schedule future discussions with our EOD career management team.
Serves as the central point of contact and coordinator for the Chief of Ordnance to effect OD matters of proponency IAW AR 600-3, Army Personnel Development System. Acts as liaison and referral between active and reserve OD personnel and organizations, functional staff and academic departments within the ODS. The Chief of the Proponency Office is the principal advisor to the Chief of Ordnance on all matters relating to Branch personnel proponency, to include DA Civilians (Maintenance). Serves as the Executive Agent for the CSA Army Award for Maintenance Excellence (AAME). Manages, reviews and awards request of waivers for MOS training prerequisite requirements.
Proponent Information
The Chief of Ordnance is the branch proponent for the Ordnance branch. The Ordnance Personnel Development Office is responsible for the eight personnel development system life-cycle management functions for all Ordnance officers, warrant officers, Soldiers, and related civilian occupational series, including structure, acquisition, distribution, development, deployment, compensation, sustainment, and transition..
PDO Contacts
- Chief
(804) 644-0586 - SGM
(571) 644-1396 - Proponent Action Officer Specialist
(571) 644-1949
email - CMF 89 A, B, D Career Manager
(520) 673-3949
email - CMF 91 Career Manager
(571) 644-1518
email - CMF 94 Career Manager
(571) 644-1602
email - CWO 913, 914, 915 Career Manager
(571) 644-1243
email - CWO 890, 948, B, D, E Career Manager
(520) 669-4095
email - OD Proponency Officer
(571) 644-1191
email - EOD Proponency Officer
(804) 765-7131 - Hall of Fame Program Manager
(804) 765-7368
email - Army Award Maintenance Execllence Program Manager
(804) 765-7315