The U.S. Army rank of Major.

Ordnance Colonel Development

The majority of colonel positions are designated multifunctional and joint duty. However, officers holding primary AOC 89E and/or secondary AOC 91A/D may be assigned to functional Ordnance command and staff positions. Ordnance colonels should continue to seek assignments in JIIM organizations toward joint service qualification.


Selected OD colonels will attend Senior Service College (SSC), senior professional military education and leader development training to prepare senior leaders to assume strategic leadership responsibilities in military or national security organizations. OD colonels selected for CSL Brigade level Command/Key Billet positions will attend applicable Pre-Command Courses.

Key developmental assignments

Successful CSL designated OD Colonel Command/Key Billet selection is the most critical colonel key developmental assignment.

Developmental and Broadening Assignments:

In addition to multifunctional logistics positions, Ordnance colonels can serve in key staff positions at Army, joint, and senior-level headquarters, such as USA Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command and Army Materiel Command.


Self-development opportunities include nonresident SSC completion for those not selected for resident course attendance. Other educational opportunities include: graduate degree, Joint Forces Staff College (Joint Professional Military Education Level II), and International Society of Logistics Engineers (SOLE) Certified Professional Logistician Program.

Desired experience

Colonels will serve primarily in key staff and/or joint positions in expeditionary sustainment commands, theater sustainment commands, and division, corps, and higher staffs. Select colonels will have the opportunity to command brigades. Successful completion of brigade command will provide an opportunity to serve in positions of greater responsibility. Former brigade commanders are given the opportunity to serve as deputy commanding officers, chiefs of staff and support operation officers of expeditionary sustainment commands, deputy commandant at the Ordnance, Transportation and Quartermaster Schools. In addition, former brigade commanders can serve as executive officers for general officers to the commanding generals of the logistics ACOMs and Army DCS, G–4.