The U.S. Army rank of Captain

Ordnance Captain Development


Upon graduation of the Combined Logistics Captain Career Course (CLC3), Ordnance officers will be inducted Logistics branch (AOC 90A). (See DA PAM 600-3, chapter 35, for an explanation of Logistics branch.)

Key developmental assignments

Company command is the only key developmental experience recognized at the captain level.

Developmental and broadening assignments

Along with command, captain's continue to gain an in-depth understanding of the multiple aspects of logistical operations and are more involved with battalion and brigade-level staff operations. Ordnance captains positions include Transition Team Maintenance Mentor, maintenance staff officer, ammunition supply officer, munitions materiel management officer, EOD operations officer, or observer/controller at Army or Joint training centers.


All Ordnance officers should seek opportunities available to them within all Ordnance competencies. For example, officers who have worked ammunition should seek opportunities in maintenance positions.

Desired experience

Throughout this period, the officer continues to develop leadership, tactical, technical, and management skills. This foundation of knowledge is required to effectively serve as a leader at the company and battalion level. Captains gain a working knowledge of command principles, battalion-level staff operations, and logistical operations at the battalion to brigade levels.