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SGM George Camarena, Ordnance Reserve Component Office (RCO), engaged with H9 Tracked Vehicle Recovery students during a recent visit to Regional Training Site - Maintenance (RTS-M), Camp Ripley, Minnesota, emphasizing the importance of their training and the broader mission.
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RCO personnel conducted a site visit to RTS-M Fort McCoy where they met with leadership and discussed the potential inclusion of a DA Civilian Quality Assurance Specialist for Ammunition Surveillance in the 89 CMF NCO curriculum's professional education modules. They established a clear plan to achieve key milestones for success. RCO staff toured the facility and engaged in an insightful dialogue about reach-back capability.
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SGM Camarena addressed ASI H8 Wheeled Vehicle Recovery students during a recent site visit to RTS-M Camp Ripley, Minnesota, emphasizing the importance of their training and the broader mission.
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During a recent site visit to RT-SM Camp Ripley, Minnesota, RCO staff observed while students in the ASI-H9 Tracked Vehicle Recovery course performed mire pit operations and towing in the field.
Advise OD School Commandant and staff on all RC matters: MOS-T, PME, Functional Training, Soldier Readiness and Proficiency. Review and initiate actions across Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) to ensure RC integration. Enable RC schools to achieve and maintain One Army School System (OASS) training standards.
Key Tasks
- Connect Reserve Component Ordnance Soldiers to the CoO's strategic vision.
- Ensure Reserve Component training locations deliver world class, One Army School System (OASS) compliant institutional training to Active Component and Reserve Component Ordnance Soldiers.
- Provide Commandant with feedback on Reserve Component Ordnance units' ability to sustain combat power across multiple domains in complex operational environments.
- Provide DOTMLP-F recommendations to improve Reserve Component Ordnance capabilities.
- Assist and coordinate with all TRADOC and CASCOM organizations to ensure total force integration of Ordnance Reserve Component capabilities.
RCO Contacts
- ARNG Assistant Chief of Staff
(520) 707-6484 Email - USAR OD Integrations Officer
(520) 943-3955 Email - ARNG OD WO Proponent Officer
(571) 644-0581 Email - USAR OD WO Proponent Officer
(520) 943-8363/7436 Email - USAR Senior Enlisted Advisor
(520) 691-7275 Email - ARNG OD Proponent NCO
(571) 644-1003 Email - USAR OD Integrations NCO
(520) 673-3951 Email - USAR OD Liaison NCO
(520) 692-2898 Email