Request Institutional Training
Resident Courses
Resident functional course reservations are requested by the installation MSE/ASCC ATRRS quota manager utilizing the ATRRS A1 application process. Units submit individual requests for training IAW local policy and procedures to their MSE/ASCC G3 training office.
Professional Military Education (PME) is scheduled automatically by HRC. Soldiers must submit a DA Form 4187 through their MSE/ASCC G3 to HRC for a class reservation when not automatically scheduled by HRC.
ACOM/ASCC ATRRS managers submit a TRAP action to HRC when resident course programmed quotas have been exhausted.
Mobile Training Teams (MTT)
Unit requests for MTTs must be submitted to their MSE/ASCC G3.
ACOM/ASCC G3 submits MTT request to HRC. If programmed quotas or a class is available and HRC validates the requirement, HRC will instruct TRADOC TOMA to schedule the training. If programmed quotas have been exhausted, the ACOM/ASCC G3 submits a TRAP action to HRC.
HRC schedules all Soldiers in ATRRS for PME MTTs. MSE G3/ASCC ATRRS managers schedule Soldiers in ATRRS for functional course MTTs. Reservations for functional course MTTs should be completed NLT 45 days prior to class start date.
ACOM/ASCC Contacts
404-464-7371 /6524 -
National Guard Bureau
703-607-7330 -
US Army Reserve
404-464-8293 -
808-438-5827 -
DSN: 314 476-3429 /2592
Training Requirements Arbitration Panel (TRAP)
This is the process used to request additional training quotas when programmed quotas have been exhausted. Without requesting additional quotas through the TRAP process, the course may not be adequately resourced in the year of execution and could potentially negatively impact future programming. TRAP action process: MSE G3- ACOM/ASCC G3-HRC- HQDA G1- TRADOC TOMA-TRADOC Schools.
Request Mobile Training Teams