Explosive Ordnance Disposal
Message from the EOD Commandant

Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal’s proud history stretches back to the earliest days of World War II. Since its very inception the men and women of Army EOD dedicated themselves to one of the most hazardous assignments available in the Department of Defense. When the dangers were greatest, the EOD technician volunteered to go forward alone to eliminate the threat. As we transition from the battlefields of the Middle East to the growing threats of peer adversary conflict, EOD remains critical to the success of the Joint Forces’ mission. The tasks we are required to execute will change, the knowledge and skills required to be successful will increase, but we are prepared to embrace the new challenges as a culture founded on professionalism, adaptability, and community. Our dangerous work continues to require that we recruit and retain the best talent our Nation has available. We require individuals that are mentally, physically, and emotionally tough, capable of working seamlessly as an individual, team, or unit. We must trust and empower leaders at the lowest level to make critical decisions because when future conflict erupts, they will have to. We must strive to operate outside of our comfort zones each day, because the day is approaching when the choice to do so will no longer be ours to make. Get out into the field with your supported organizations, learn the lessons they are learning on the training grounds, show them what we can do to help them complete their mission. They are the reason we exist!
As the fourth EOD Commandant I consider it an honor and a privilege to help lead our career field into the future and expect every one of you to work tirelessly to improve yourselves, your unit, and our community as we embark on this new mission. We are and will remain an all-volunteer specialty, and I know that each of you stand as ready as our forerunners in World War II to face any danger and when called up to look your leader in the eye and say, “Send Me!”
Initial Success, or Total Failure!