M1763 Flintlock Musket
This M1763 Charleville Musket shows the difficulties of the Continental Army in supplying even the most basic tools needed to wage an effective war against the British. At the onset of the Revolutionary War there were less than 3,000 gunsmiths in the Thirteen Colonies and even if they multiple assistants they would only be able to produce about three muskets a week. This would be vastly insufficient for the numbers required to supply the revolution. During this time the Continental Army relied on individuals bringing their own arms to the fight, these being hunting guns, militia arms, or outdated weapons from the French and Indian War. This changed 1776, when the French started to covertly supply the America Revolution with financial aid and supplies, including shipments of the French Charleville Model 1763 Musket. The influx of these munitions and later military aid helped Washington and the Continental Army sustain their conflict against the British and ultimately win the American Revolution.
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M1763 Flintlock Musket
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M1763 Flintlock Musket