Officer provides instruction as cargo is being loaded.

Required Ordnance Officer Characteristics

Characteristics required of all officers. All officers are expected to possess the base characteristics that will enable them to develop into agile and adaptive leaders for 21st century. Our leaders must be grounded in Army Values and the warrior ethos, competent in their core proficiencies, and broadly experienced to operate across the spectrum of conflict. They must be able to operate in JIIM environments and leverage capabilities beyond the Army in achieving their objectives. Our officers must be culturally astute and able to use their awareness and understanding to conduct operations innovatively and courageously to exploit opportunities in the challenges and complexities of the operational environment. Further explanation of these characteristics can be referenced in FM 3-0 and in chapter 3 of this publication.

Unique knowledge and skills of an Ordnance officer. Lieutenants assessed into the Ordnance branch will develop functional branch skills defined by their area of concentration (AOC) for the first 3-4 years of their career. All Ordnance AOCs and skill identifiers are open to male and female officers. There are two AOCs for Ordnance officers. Upon graduation of the Combined Logistics Captain Career Course (CLC3), Ordnance officers will hold a primary AOC 90A with a secondary AOC of 91A. (See chapter 35-4 for an explanation of Logistics branch officers). Notwithstanding this, these officers will maintain their Ordnance Regimental affiliation, and may continue to serve in Ordnance functional assignments throughout their career. The EOD (AOC 89E) officers may continue to serve in AOC 89E throughout their career, or rotate between AOC's 90A, 91A, and 89E.

Ordnance Officer Areas of Concentration

Materiel Maintenance and Munitions Management Officer (AOC 91A)

Officers working in this AOC manage Ordnance Soldiers and the Army maintenance process that ensures weapon systems are operational, ready, and available. Officers are responsible for integrated maintenance support of Army conventional weapon systems, small arms, artillery, fire control equipment, missile systems and their associated ground support equipment; electronics; track and wheel vehicles; and engineer and power generation equipment. Maintenance functions include metalworking, fabrication, welding, inspection, test, service, calibration, repair, overhaul, and reclamation. Officers must develop a comprehensive knowledge of maintenance management techniques and integrated logistics support. Officers must be technically competent in production control and quality assurance techniques. The technical sophistication of today's Army weapon systems; the high dollar cost of production, fielding and maintaining; and their tactical importance require officers with the highest managerial and leadership skills. Officers also participate in the management of the Army's munitions inventory. These officers lead, manage, plan, and direct ammunition supply, storage, transportation, maintenance, surveillance, inspection, stock control, safety, and security, including maintenance of associated test and handling equipment. The increasing technical sophistication of the various munitions in the Army's inventory, along with the rapid expenditures of ammunition across the force, requires officers to be closely involved in managing the precious ammunition commodity that the Army uses and trusts these officers to provide for the fight.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (AOC 89E)

Cadets or officer candidates can only earn the EOD area of concentration during the branching process. 1.) ROTC & USMA cadets may interview during their senior year and, if selected, can branch Ordnance with follow on orders for EOD School. 2.) OCS candidates must work with their command teams and the Ordnance Proponency Office to be selected for EOD before the branching process. Upon graduation from Ordnance Basic Officer Leader Course II, officers selected for EOD training will conduct EOD Phase I training at Fort Lee, VA, and EOD Phase II at the Joint EOD course at Eglin Air Force Base, FL. Procedures for volunteering are located in DA Pam 351-4 and AR 611-105. Officers must complete an intense two-phased EOD course prior to being awarded this designation. EOD officers provide a unique and critical service to the Army, U.S. federal agencies, and local law enforcement and operate within the full spectrum of joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) operations. EOD officers plan, develop, and integrate EOD operations for all types of contingency operations. These officers advise, integrate, and execute the "render safe" operations of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive ordnance disposal (CBRNE) functions stemming from threats posed by unexploded ordnance (UXO), improvised explosive devices (IED), and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). These officers lead, manage, plan, and direct activities and organizations concerned with identification, location, rendering safe, handling, removal, and disposal of U.S. and foreign unexploded conventional, nuclear, and chemical munitions and IEDs. Additionally, EOD officers provide support/protection to the President of the United States, senior American officials, military and foreign dignitaries, and support intelligence activities through analysis of foreign munitions, technical and biometric exploitation of IEDs, and perform the forensic analysis of post-blast explosive materials.

Project Warrior

Great news for our company grade officers and, as importantly, for the improved technical & tactical competence, and leadership of our institutional Army! DA G1 and G3/5/7 recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement instituting Project Warrior (PW). PW's objective is to infuse observations and experiences gained from multiple, immersive Combat Training Center (CTC) rotations and exercises back into the Army through select Professional Military Education (PME) courses. Captains in the program will serve 18-24 months as an Observer-Coach-Trainer (OCT) at a maneuver CTC, followed by 24 months as a Small Group Instructor (SGI) at a TRADOC Center of Excellence (CoE). It is critical that Commanders at all levels identify quality candidates for this program as early as possible in an Officer's career in order to provide the flexibility needed for the Officer to complete all 4 phases of the program within the prescribed timelines. For more information, please contact the appropriate assignments officer at HRC.

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