OD Leadership


Train, educate, and develop agile Ordnance technicians who drive change; employ, develop, and design DOTMLPF-P solutions to build Army strategic readiness and sustain land dominance for LSCO (Army 2030-2040) in Contested Environments.


Build a Network of Maintenance Capabilities, build the Future Technician, and Cultivate the Workforce we need for the Army of 2030-2040.


Sustainment News

Army Sustainment

Battlefield Algorithm | Leveraging Predictive Analytics in Contested Environments

By SGM Noel DeJesus | January 22, 2025
Graphic advertisement for article. (Graphic by Sarah Lancia)

As the Army prepares for large-scale combat operations (LSCO), the importance of effective logistics has never been greater. In contested environments, where supply chains are vulnerable to disruption, the military must find new ways to ensure critical resources reach the front lines. One key solution is adopting corporate predictive analytics practices.

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Army Sustainment

Human Resources Data and Systems Integration with Sustainment in 2040

By LTC (Ret.) James J. Galluzzo III | January 22, 2025
Graphic advertisement for article. (Graphic by Sarah Lancia)

The Adjutant General’s (AG) Corps is the lead proponent with the responsibility and mandate to ensure that human resources (HR) capabilities, as an integral part of the sustainment warfighting function, align with and support the demands of the current and future Army. These HR capabilities must nest and integrate with greater sustainment efforts to continuously transform and meet the needs of the operational warfighter.

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